Race Souvenir Items
65 items found in Race Souvenir Items
The Last Desert Personalised Video Package
- US$500.00
A video package from our professional videographer is available as a special memory of your adventure. This makes a great souvenir or gift for a friend/family member/colleague who took part in the race. For The Last Desert 2026, the video package includes: - A Pre-race interview- Three (3) interv...
Race Photos - Antarctica Ultramarathon
- US$250.00
A photo package from our professional photographer is available as a special memory of your adventure, and makes a great souvenir or gift for a friend/family member/colleague who took part in the race.The photo package includes:- At least 10 personalised photos of you at the race- A selection of ...
Antarctica Ultramarathon Patch (22.5cm)
- US$20.00
A high quality patch of the Antarctica Ultramarathon logo. Nine inch diameter.
Antarctica Ultramarathon Personalised Video Package
- US$400.00
A video package from our professional videographer is available as a special memory of your adventure. This makes a great souvenir or gift for a friend/family member/colleague who took part in the race. For Antarctica Ultramarathon 2026, the video package includes: - A pre-race interview- An inte...
RacingThePlanet: Greece 2025 Personalised Video Package
- US$500.00
A video package from our professional videographer is available as a special memory of your adventure. This makes a great souvenir or gift for a friend/family member/colleague who took part in the race. For RacingThePlanet: Greece 2025, the video package includes: - A Pre-race interview- Three (3...