Expert Advice
By RacingThePlanet Events Staff
We are continually asked several questions before someone decides to compete in a RacingThePlanet / 4 Deserts race. To assist future competitors, we have put together some general information below about preparation, training, etc. We hope this is helpful.
Questions include:
How do I start preparing?
Is there a training plan?
When do I know if I am ready to take part?
A training plan is not published as the training required is so different dep...
Author: Sam Healey
With 100km races becoming more and more popular, we thought it would be great to ask Marshall Ulrich, one of the world's most accomplished endurance athletes and veteran of the Sahara Race and Gobi March, what kind of training he would suggest competitors undertake for a 100km, single-stage ultramarathon. (To find out more about Marshall, click here.)
With endurance racing, (especially the off-trail wilderness events that RacingThePlanet specializes in), becoming increasi...
By Anil Menon, MD, Jay Sharp, MD, Grant Lipman, MD and Brian Krabak, MD MBA
RacingThePlanet is an extremely physically demanding endurance race spanning a week of intense physical activity. Subsequently, proper nutrition is essential to fuel the body to continue operating properly during such a long, physically demanding period. For many years, there have been much generalized recommendations addressing the amount and type of caloric intake required for exercise. This has left many...
Author: Bev Brammer, Registered Nutritionist
If you have signed up for a RacingThePlanet event – or are considering pushing yourself to the limits, you should think hard about how you are fuelling your body.
Before, during and after your event, it’s very important to give yourself the best possible intake of nutrients to allow your body to be as healthy as possible, and thus work to its’ best ability. It’s not just about ‘carb loading’ before the race - it’s equally important to fuel yourse...
By Sam Healey
Role of Electrolyte and Fluid Balance During Endurance Activities
Managing your body’s fluid and electrolyte balance is the top priority of any participant in an endurance race. If a competitor doesn’t manage this successfully then a range of medical conditions and illnesses can occur on a scale that begins at feeling a bit nauseous or getting muscle cramps and ends at the potentially life-threatening conditions of dehydration and hyponatremia.
The bulk of research into this ar...
By Matt Moroz
From running your first 5km race, through to marathon distance, it seems that not a great deal changes except for some longer sessions in training, and a little more pacing strategy come race day. When we enter the big brave world of ultramarathons this all changes doesn’t it?
Well the truth is, yes and no.
The same ethos can be used as moving from these other distances to the one above. A lot of runners will progress from marathon, to a 50k race, a 50 mile race, and up to 100k...
By Matt Moroz
In this article we will look at the types of training that we can utilize in order to gain greater strength for our running. These will offer an overall outline and including the odd specific movement/exercise, but ultimately it is down to the individual to tailor his or her own training so that it not only strengthens the runner, but keeps the runner interested and motivated. There is no use describing a list of techniques if a runner hates these exercises and shuns them after ...
Written by Matt Moroz
As we discussed have discussed in a previous article “How To Become A Trail Runner From A Road Runner” in which we demystified trail running and went somewhere towards blurring the lines separating the disciplines, especially in terms of training, and necessary talent.
We will continue on this theme when looking at getting faster on the trails. We are able to tap into the knowledge that is generally accepted when looking to get faster at road and track running, and then ...
Altitude Training – Benefits and Methods
By Matt Moroz
Altitude training
All types of runners, (beginners/pros, road/trail), have one thing in common: all look to improve performance on their chosen terrain. Any intervention that offers a small improvement is of interest. This may come in many guises such as a new diet, new nutritional products for in-race use, a different kind of running shoe, or a training technique that promises beneficial physiological adaptation.
While the jury is still out for a number of these issues (paleo v...
How to Get the Most Out of Your Treadmill Workouts
By Stephanie Case
No one actually likes using the treadmill. It’s a machine that was designed for lab rats, not human beings. Running in place next to a bunch of other sweaty robots in a gym? No thank you. I would much rather be outdoors exploring new landscapes with the wind at my back and the sun on my face. Unfortunately, in my line of work, the treadmill often provides my only source of exercise. As an international human rights lawyer I tend to live in unsafe places like Afghanistan, Sou...
By Matt Moroz
Heart rate monitors are now standard with almost every running watch and running GPS device. These days it is also possible to use your smart phone or activity tracker, so the ability to utilise your own heart rate to gain the most from your training is open to the masses.
So with the option available to runners, how can heart rate be used in order to progress? The techniques are numerous, and can be broken down in broad terms:
1. Dictating the type of run you perform (recover...
Info Session PodCast
We held an information session in December 2016 and recorded it so that everyone around the world can benefit from it. Put on your iPod when you head out for your next training session.
Questions asked include:
What does a standard day look like?
How much water does a competitor receive?
How do I carry this water?
What are the toilets like?
Is there natural water (river) along the way ...